�������� Subject
openLooKeng Feature Design Review
��� Agenda:
1) Design Review for CTE feature (Common table expression) �C Owner�� Rajeev
If we have more time, we would discuss the below topic as well:
2) Design Review for SQL rewrite and MV (Materialize View ) �C Owner: Li Zheng
����ʱ�� Time
2021-03-08 22:00-23:00(UTC+08:00)Beijing
����ص� Location
Welink��Ƶ���� Welink Video Meeting
����ID Meeting ID
��ʾ Tips
Dial the access number to join conference
ע����֧�ֲ��ֹ��Һ͵����� (Only some countries and regions are supported.)
Please click the conference link and download the Zoom to join the conference, and upgrade to the latest version of Zoom.
Dear all,
openLooKeng community will host a feature design review meeting, please feel free to join us to have a tech discussion.
会议主题 Subject
openLooKeng Feature Design Review
会议时间 Time
2021-03-01 22:00-23:00(UTC+08:00)Beijing
会议地点 Location
Welink视频会议 Welink Video Meeting
会议ID Meeting ID
提示 Tips
Dial the access number to join conference
注:仅支持部分国家和地区。 (Only some countries and regions are supported.)
Please click the conference link and download the Zoom to join the conference, and upgrade to the latest version of Zoom.
会议主题 Subject
openLooKeng Feature Design Review
会议时间 Time
2021-03-01 22:00-23:00(UTC+08:00)Beijing
会议地点 Location
Welink视频会议 Welink Video Meeting
会议ID Meeting ID
召集人 Convener
提示 Tips
Dial the access number to join conference
注:仅支持部分国家和地区。 (Only some countries and regions are supported.)
Please click the conference link and download the Zoom to join the conference, and upgrade to the latest version of Zoom.
Hi all,
Due to this week there will be openLooKeng Virtual Meetup, this week��s PMC meeting is canceled.
Hi all,
openLooKeng community have PMC meeting every 2 weeks. Please reserve your time and join it.
Time: 11:00am �C 12:00pm, Friday, UTC+8
Meeting: to be updated before the meeting as it could not be reserved for long time.
Please propose your topics in [1].
Follow openLoKeng mail list and join Slack in [2] to get updated info from the community.
[1] https://etherpad.openlookeng.io/p/PMC-weeklymeeting
[2] https://openlookeng.io/communication.html
About openLooKeng community: